Demandbase vs Terminus

Want to Know Why the World’s Smartest Companies Choose Demandbase vs Terminus for ABM?

Demandbase is the Smarter GTM™ company for B2B brands

See how we stack up.

The smartest Account Intelligence on the planet

Demandbase One Is infused with Account Intelligence — a hi-def view of your accounts pulled from our data, third-party sources, web activities, your CRM, and marketing automation platforms (MAP) — all made sense of by the best AI in the business.

We triangulate each data point against multiple sources to validate it at a scale and speed humans can’t touch. The result is exceptional accuracy so your go-to-market is smarter.

Other vendors lack Account Intelligence and rely on personal psychographic data to find ideal targets. That’s great for B2C marketing. Problem is B2B is not B2C.

Like we said, B2B is not B2C

Sure, other vendors talk a lot about account-based advertising, but Demandbase has the only demand side platform (DSP) built specifically for B2B advertising. It balances impressions across your accounts and the people on their buying committees — even while you sleep.

Other ABM vendors embed B2C DSPs designed to sell boots to individual buyers, with no concept of accounts or buying teams. You can inadvertently use up all your impressions on some accounts while ignoring others entirely. And it gets worse. With a B2C DSP, you have no way to zero in on specific people showing intent to buy, and limited ability to report results at the account level. What a waste! That’s why the most sophisticated B2B advertisers in the world, like Salesforce, Gong, and Fidelity, use Demandbase.

Powerful predictive models

Demandbase delivers tailored predictive models in less than 24 hours, clearing the path to the juiciest opportunities. All you need to do is provide us with a few inputs and our machine learning models do the rest, deciphering immediate opportunity potential and account fit for any given product.

Better yet, you can have multiple predictive models — it’s all included with the platform. Other vendors don’t provide any predictive analytics, so your ads are targeted by hunches, not science.

The most accurate, scalable intent

Demandbase intent data delivers the one-two punch of high accuracy and keyword granularity. How? We source more than 1 trillion intent signals every month from our proprietary B2B DSP — providing scale and granularity. Then we machine read the content on each page, using natural language processing to ensure that the key topic is in fact related to the keywords. We feed this highly accurate, refined intent signal into our predictive algorithms to deliver the industry’s most precise intent models.

Other ABM vendors purchase intent data through outside sources, like Bombora (who Demandbase also partners with).

Fully customizable journey stages

Demandbase offers out-of-the-box journey stages that are also 100% customizable. Hit the ground running, and then fully customize stages to match your business reality.

Compare account lists side by side over different time frames to see the movement of accounts through the buyer journey. We also support post-customer stages to help you spot upsell and cross-sell opportunities. And you can map every campaign touchpoint to an opportunity’s timeline with the Demandbase Deal Story

That’s something most other ABM vendors don’t offer — a visual journey stage view to easily see how accounts on your list are progressing through the funnel.

Segmentation options customers love

One of the main reasons customers choose Demandbase over other ABM providers is that we offer a wealth of advanced segmentation options, like “activities,” “relationships,” and “change data value” fields.

Our selectors sync hundreds of fields, across a variety of sources, multiple times a day, giving you near-real-time access to the latest account and people characteristics. Who wouldn’t want that?

Other ABM vendors’ segmentation options leave you wanting. Along with substantially fewer segmentation choices, their data sync offerings are minimal.

Personalization with more bells and whistles

Demandbase Personalization puts you in the driver’s seat to create that perfect recipe of personalization based on your segmentation. Add to that our Forms Enrichment — a data-appending service available through Personalization — and you can shorten forms on your site while still capturing the attributes you need behind the scenes. Shorter forms; more form fills.

Some ABM vendors offer website personalization. (And good for them.) But you can’t finely segment your list to specifically target different stages of the buyer journey. And no other ABM vendor offers the ability to optimize your website forms directly from an account-based platform.

Orchestration worthy of a maestro

Demandbase Orchestration runs circles around the competition, empowering you to automatically coordinate multi-channel plays. Manage audiences in LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Adobe, Bing, Google, YouTube, and marketing automation platforms (MAPs). Create routines to automatically update people and account data. Say good-bye to data fragmentation and hello to making music!

Most ABM vendors offer integrations to MAPs and sales engagement platforms, but they don’t have data management capabilities like Demandbase.

Independent analysts name Demandbase a leader in ABM

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Demandbase defines account-based go-to-market

We literally wrote the book on account-based go-to-market. We call it Smarter GTM™...and it changes everything.

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